PDIP Sulsel Open Doors to Ilham

Vice chairman of the Indonesian Democratic Party of the DPD I Struggle (PDIP) of South Sulawesi and wasteful open Pongtasik admitted his party candidate for governor of South Sulawesi Siradjuddin Ilham Arief (IAS). Recognition PDIP legislator parliament this Sulsel Tribune when contacted via cell phone, Makassar, on Friday (12/02/2011).

"We're not yet there are considerations that we will remain a coalition with Syahrul, this forward we have a mechanism, we listen to the aspirations of the old cadres, where they want. So our inspiration for the pack open," said Dan

DPC board related statement that directs the Makassar PDIP dukunganya to IAS Thursday (1/12/2011), and respond positively, "Yes, that's the aspiration of cadres and it should be done because we will later menjari aspiration where support will be directed, not a problem for PDIP, "explains And Pongstasik.

"We have a mechanism that will be processed. So the aspirations of the lower level and later our branch conference (kenfecab) specifically, there are regional conferences (konferda) all city districts. Now this is all cadres may disagree, who would support the important internal mechanisms , "clear and

In order to determine the figures support a candidate for governor, PDIP will hold a second conference. "We do not know the time when we did, now we have no indication that," said And

And Pongtasik is PDIP elite South Sulawesi who admitted openly with Ilham after DPC PDIP cadres Makassar yesterday. And while elite peers in parliament as legislators PDIP Sulsel Rudi Pieter Goni not available for comment. Previously, Dan Pongtasik and Rudi industrious keberpihakannya asserted against coalition Syahrul Yasin Limpo-Agus Arifin Nu'mang (darling). But now look dikotomik
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